The Tuscaroras' minister, John Elliot, reported to the American Board early in February 1830 telling of his attempts to form a temperance society but doubting of his success because Indians were always reluctant to commit themselves. In writing on March 30, he noted that a temperance society had been formed. There is no mention in either of his letters, or in any other of his reports, of Samuel Jacobs or any role the latter might have played in the establishing of that organization. The Tuscaroras have traditionally, however, given Jacobs the credit for founding the society. Undoubtedly both Elliot and Jacobs played a part in bringing the Temperance Society into being. The various ministers had been preaching temperance for years prior to 1830, but Jacobs' influence and leadership ability may have been the deciding factor in organizing the society. There was yet another candidate for the honors. Writing to Schoolcraft on August 4, 1845, James Cusick, the Baptist minister, claimed that he organized the Temperance Society. Referring to himself, Cusick said "he established a temperance society in 1830 of more than 100 members." John Elliot to Jeremiah Evarts, February 3, 1830, ABC.18.3.1, Vol, 6, Box 2, No. 92, Houghton Library, Harvard; Elliot to Evarts, March 30, 1830, ibid., No. 93; Schoolcraft, Notes on the Iroquois, p. 238; Johnson, Legends, p. 153.