Chief Oren Lyons Video Clips
Oren Lyons on The Doctrine Of Discovery
Uploaded on Oct 13, 2010
Chief Oren Lyons reveals how the Doctrine of Discovery came about in 1493 after Columbus's return to Europe and how it was inserted into US policy. Lyons gave the talk to Humboldt State University students on Columbus Day.
Oren Lyons on Our Relationship With the Earth
Onondaga Chief Oren Lyons traveled to Arizona in June from his home in upstate New York to attend an elders' gathering in honor of our mutual friend, the late Hopi leader Thomas Banyacya, who, like Oren, was a tireless international spokesman for native people from the time the indigenous rights movement took root in the 1970s.
Chief Oren Lyons: Importance of Feathers & the Next Generation
Featuring Native American Chief Oren Lyons. Faitherkeeper of the Onondaga Nation, Lyons has been a spokesperson for Native American human rights and ecological wisdom at the UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues. A longtime friend of Rabbi Awraham Soetendorp, Founder of The Feather Project, listen to Lyons tell about the importance of feathers in Native American life
Oren Lyons on The Wizard of Oz
Oren Lyons retells the classic story "The Wizard of Oz", from an enlightening (and very different) Native America perspective.
Chief Oren Lyons (Onondaga) International Leadership
Dialogue on Leadership and Empowerment - Indigenous Voices at the United Nations